Alumni Intervention in the Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Nigeria

Ever since the formation of the Department of Electronic Engineering, UNN in 1981, our prestigious students turned Alumni have contributed immensely in the improvement and facilitation of projects to help the department in its goal of being the universities ‘Center of Excellence’.
Their goodwill have not gone unnoticed and we wish to thank them for their exceptional contributions. Outlined below are the funded and completed projects in the Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Nigeria by her Alumni.

S/nFunded and Completed Projects.
.Pre-August 2020 Projects – Previous AdministrationProjects Funded by
iRefurbishment and total furnishing of ECE final year degree classroomECE 1999 set Alumni
iiEtching MachineECE 2009 set Alumni
iii6 Monitors and 2 UPS for ECE Staff / Graduate Research LabECE 2012 set Alumni
iv7.5kVa Solar system for ECE Annex main office building1992 ECE Alumni set in 2018 and upgraded in 2021
v10.0 KVA Solar system for ECE-ETF Building1994 ECE Alumni Set in 2019

S/nFunded Projects from August 2020 – Current AdministrationProjects funded by
1Professor Charles Osuagwu Artificial Intelligence (AI) Lab2008 ECE Alumnus – CEO Byteworks Ltd. (2021) [Launched in May 13, 2022]
2Complete system upgrade of 7.5KVA Solar system for ECE Annex main office building and extension of solar panels1992 ECE Alumini Set in February 2022
3(1) HP All-in-one core i5, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD, 4th generation computer system for the Secretary’s office (2) Complete set of desktop computer system, 11th generation, HP core i5, 1TB, 16GB RAM, HDMI, 8 USB ports (3) 650 VA UPS (4) Notice boards (2) (5) White board (6) Stands for boards (2) (7) PC assesories and stationery for the Department1990 ECE Alumnus (in June 2022)
4(1) Building of rugged tank stand for toilets in ground floors in ECE/EEE building (2) purchase of one (1) 500 gallons plastic gypee tanks (3) installation of overhead tank stand (4) internal & external plumbing connections for the ground of Electronics Engr’g in the undergraduate Lab building.Joint project by the Department of Electronic Engineering (NUC Accreditation Fund) and 1999 ECE Alumnus of project. (January 2022)
5Heavy duty Printer for the HOD’s Office2010 ECE Alumnus (June 2021)
6Computer system for HOD’s office2006 ECE Alumni in hounour of Engr. Chinedu Ekwunife (November 2021)
7Microwave oven for the Department2013 ECE Alumnus (November 2021)
8High duty printer cum scanner for the Department2010 ECE Alumnus (Jul 2021)
9Lenovo Laptop for Exam officers office2015 ECE Alumnus (May2021)
10Water Dispenser for HOD’s Office2010 ECE Alumnus (Apr 2021)
11Repainting of ECE-Annex building and ECE-ETF buildingTwo ECE Alumni -2010 & 2011 (Oct 2021)
12Treatment and replacement of ceiling boards and roofing support at the staff offices at the ECE-ETF buildingTwo 1999 ECE Alumni & Completed (in Aug 2021)
13Treatment, repair and replacement of ceiling boards in convenience area of ECE Annex1999 ECE Alumnus & Completed (in Aug 2021)
14ECE Annex Water Project which includes: (1) construction of a tank base of 8 feet high for overhead tank (2) 500 gallons Geepee tank (3) repair / upgrading of the 2 toilets systems (floor and wall tiling, painting, etc) (4) their connection to the installed overhead tank.1999 ECE Alumnus & Project Completed (in January 2021)
15(1) Plumbing work at 12 toilets at ECE-ETF building, and (2) their connection to overhead tank and UNN water supply1999 ECE Alumnus of project. Completed (Jan 2021)
16Environmental clean-up of ECE Annex building, electrical and carpentry repairs1999 ECE Alumnus & Completed (in Dec 2020)
17Original wood base wide area teaching white board in ECE-ETF Digital PG classroom1999 ECE Alumnus of project. (completed Dec 2020)